Orpheus was created using a software program called Aurasma.
Aurasma can be used on the iPhone & Android
Follow these instructions to view the Orpheus animations in Augmented Reality.
Download app. Add channel. Enjoy augmented reality!
iPhone & Android:
*iPhone & Android downloading is very similar. Follow the steps below.
iPhone: Go to the App Store.
Android: Go to the Google Play Store.
iPhone & Android:
Search for the free app called ‘Aurasma’.
Download the app.
Once downloaded, open the app.
Note: When you open the app for the first time, you will have the option to view a tutorial. If asked to set up an account or login, click “Skip.”
Go to the menu by clicking the triangle “A” icon at the bottom.
Once you are in the menu, click the magnifying glass on the bottom right to search for a channel.
Type “Orpheus” in the search bar and click “Search” when finished.
Navigate to the “Orpheus” channel, and click on Orpheus Scene one – or any of the mural images in the viewfinder.
Once the channel opens, click “Follow”.
You should receive this message that you are now following Orpheus.
From there, click on the viewfinder icon in the middle to start using Aurasma.
With the Aurasma app open on the viewfinder screen, hold your device up to the Tenderloin National Forest Logo with the camera pointed at the sign.
Scene 1 of the Orpheus Animation will appear on your screen
You can use landscape orientation to view the videos as well.
Hold your camera up to each mural along the path to view all 14 scenes.